Sacred Laws and Moral Truths
There is an inevitable conflict between sacred law and moral truth. Religious text is full of sacred laws, that could best be described as 'sacred cows'. For example, the sacred law that 'Sunday is a day of rest'. How many Christians are in conflict with scripture and work on Sundays? ...I suspect, very many and I also suspect, that they hardly give it a second thought.
The reason that sacred law, is inevitably at odds with moral truth, is because of the very context, in which sacred laws are drawn up, they are out of context with reality. Just to take one sacred law from the Bible for example, such as the Sabbath. ...The Bible like all religious scripture, has no reference within context, as it pertains to reality, to affirm the Sabbath as a moral concept.
The fact that moral truths are arrived at, by identifying universal truths of human nature, is why there is a conflict. You cannot identify sacred laws, as moral truths, indeed, if you could they would not be sacred.
Sacred laws, such as the Sabbath are scripture referenced, but this is what leads to circular reasoning. One is supposed to act upon sacred law, as if it is a moral truth, but once you try to identify such sacred laws beyond scripture, then one is lost. It is circular reasoning, religious scripture, is its own reference and there is nothing beyond that reference, to identify the truth of such sacred laws.
The very opposite is the case for moral truths. We can come to identify objective moral truths, because we can identify our moral nature and we can thus draw up such moral truths, based around that nature. Indeed, such morals are universal and can be applied to all human beings.
A sacred law, is really nothing more than a religious dogma. Such dogmas are held up as sacred; to simply control the minds of the non-thinking masses. But civilized societies tend to grow out of the fire and brimstone edicts, of religious fundamentalism and such 'sacred laws' lose their grip on society.
Sacred laws, rely on individuals having their minds inculcated with mysticism. The very fact that sacred laws rely on mystical beliefs, is the very thing that keeps them going. Only an individual who believes in 'truths' beyond what is objectively knowable, is capable of being gullible to following a sacred law, such as becoming a martyr for God and blowing yourself up, taking a few infidels with you, so you can get into heaven and spend eternity with 72 virgins.
Sacred laws can and do lead to heinous crimes against humanity. Such as public stoning for adultery and the cutting of of hands and feet for apostasy (yes this still happens in the Middle East).
There is nothing 'sacred', in keeping such sacred laws and holding them up as moral teachings. Rather, the moral action is to expose them for what they are, lies created by the church and used to dogmatically control non-thinking dupes.
So yes, there is a conflict between sacred law and moral truth. The conflict comes from the fact, that moral truths are arrived at objectively and honestly whereas sacred laws are arrived at subjectively and dishonestly.
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